international festival of self-organized cultural forms 
.c e n t r a l . e u r o p e. * .a u g u s t / s e p t e m b e r ..2 0 0 0
The idea for hEXPO festival comes from two basic lines of thought:

1. In the region involved, there is a need for a very specific kind of festival, based on original organisational principles, that come out of specific historic and cultural background - a need for a more effective international cultural exchange.

2. a large segment of active culture, especially the independent and youth production, has a constant need  for fresh influx of information and knowledge, that the existing sources cannot provide regularly. A festival of different concept can accelerate processes of self-organisation and provide new issues and activities, especially in the form of perodical (summer) free university.

Specific kind of festival

Apart from the expansion of the traditional and highly-representative European festivals, there appeared a large number of festivals of very specific production forms. The specific of hEXPO festival is a critique of existing central-european models, as observed by the its participants:

critique 1:
- festivals have mostly representation character. They (re)present knowledge and art - they don't spread it.
Instead of representation, reduced and compressed in time of a couple of days, the hEXPO festival presents events in their natural duration. The participants can get to know each other and establish collaborations between themselves and in the local space. Easy going schedule allows that they grow into the local grounds and intensively take part into on-going workshops, lectures and simposiums.

critique 2:
- international festivals usually present locally less known or unknown practices. In this manner a large amount of resources is spent on specific technical infrastructure, for which the  local activities have no knowledge or use and gets dismantled after the festival.
hEXPO festival provides the participants with relatively standardized platforms, that are established before the festival starts based on criteria, that it will function regularly in the local environment. Participants will prove and provide knowledge of the best use under given conditions and will adapt and translate their artistic practices. The combined knowledges that they bring from their specific social backgrounds will provide necessary knowledge of more effective social models of cultural exchange.

hEXPO festival selection is based on the ideas of the competent individuals about the needs of cultural developement of the local area. As the festival activities are multiplicated in a couple of paralel local areas, there are opportunities for comparison, adaptation and especially:  coordination of exchange, collaboration and expansion of activities.

Original principles

hEXPO festival aims at the '(w)holistic' self-education of the most effective individuals - cultural organisers and artists, confronted with all the new possibilities and needs to function. In this areas this individuals, apart from the production of art&culture, have to take care of their own technical means and infrastructure, archive their work, promote and distribute their work, educate themselves...

The originality of hEXPO festival regarding the complexity of  combined knowledges is in the structural look upon the strategies of cultural production, that by its nature do not conform to the existing formalized models proposed by the 'main-stream' culture. Every segment of culture has its margins, where research, experiment, innovation take place, and especially the search for new social and organisational forms, that might prove more in tune with the on-coming demands.

In this manner, hEXPO  festival is primarily a festival  of new and original self-organising forms in the culture and arts, that combines the various areas on the level of their patterns of function, reproduction and teh strategies of  survival.

hEXPO is therefore transgressing the genres as much as it is transgressing the existing practices, with the view that margins nowadays use the same technology, be it the high culture or youth culture. The more marginal they are - the more they depend upon the rare individual, and the more complete and transgressing should be the knowledge and approach of those individuals in order to extend their activities.

Put simply: with hEXPO, we are interested to get together those creative individuals, that - in order to successfully function within their structure -  have to create a complete cultural environment.

International exchange

hEXPO festival approaches the relations between global, universal  and local, regional extremely actively. Internet will be used especially as a tool to enhance the local cultural life but also as an amplifier, synchroniser, that will launch the local activities into the world and link them to the similar activities in the neighbouring regions.

hEXPO festival will establish the neccessary media platforms for visual and audial transmission of performances, concerts, public debates, as much as it will establish an audio-visual conferencing system among Graz, Maribor, Ljubljana, Koper and Trieste, which will enable regular international communication. The key performing spaces will be linked together by way of an electronic announcement board, which will allow for the synchronisation of events and a better use/ productivity of visiting projects, from all the areas of humanistic, cultural and civil life. Such coordination of events will effectively increase the number of visiting guests, appearing in this region, as much as help the better distribution of local projects, that will be able to exceed their local limits and join into the international distribution networks.

Pekarna in Maribor and MKC in Koper already have the infrastructure that enable the realisation of a project which goes into definition of independent production, be it a concert, dance, theater or multimedia performance, installation or exhibition, cinema or video projection. So-far Ljubljana does not have a similarly equipped performing space, so we will focus on Metelkova, that they reinforce the infrastructure and organisational structure. We want to encourage especially the forms of co-production among the various places,  with a view that this would allow the independentent producers to be able to more effectively perform the coordination of visiting projects. Maribor (Kibla, Pekarna), Ljubljana (Metetlkova, Kapelica, Ljudmila, Kino-Uho) and Koper (MKC Koper, Pina) - they all have seasoned organisers and long traditions.