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Marcus Beuter = umetnost zvoka (698 bralcev)
Ponedeljek, 2. 4. 2012

V oddaji tokrat potujoči zvočni umetnik Marcus Beuter, ki se po dolgi poti iz rezidence v Armeniji počasi vrača v svoje nemško okolje. Vmesna postaja je po seriji balkanskih bila tudi Ljubljana.Njegovo osnovno izhodišče zajemanja umetniškega materiala so t.i. field recordings, kar pomeni da ne uporablja sintetiziranih virov. Izpostavlja tri parametre svojega delovanja: zvočna instalacija, improvizacija in elektroakustična kompozicija. Marcus je bil gost lokalne iniciative Cirkulacija 2, pogovor pa je nastal dan po predstavitvi in vsesplošnem rajanju zvokov v takisti C 2.

Pogovor je potekal z nemajhnim poudarkom na Marcusovem delu, vendar kot sprotno razmišljanje sogovornikov o bistvenih stvareh.


Dve skladbi:

überdruck 8:36

is a german term with the meaning overpressure.

All sounds used in this composition are field recordings I did by myself. The original sounds have been partly changed by using fx, loops, etc.

In überdruck examples for different types of power are mixed up to a soundscape, that ends in a cluster of sounds a lot of people would call disturbing and annoying. Until at the very end we find a possibility for a way out of the pressure, the "overpressure".

In our society we find power and order that are very obvious. These parts are to be subdivided into two categories: Obvious power and rules which are serious. And obvious power and rules which are only brought up into the public to distract the attraction from the real power.

As a third category we have the power that is linked to the structure of the society and which is not very obvious, even if we live with it in our everyday life.

rhetororio 2:59

The name is a mixture of the term "rhetorical" and of a piece by john cage: roaratario.
The hole piece is based on a recording i made in december 2001 in berkeley, california. It has been a meeting of the moon-sect. The son of the original founder of the sect held a speech. We all have had printed copies of it. But suddenly he began to get more and more into talking off the manuscript. Although it all had been made up. So at some point he asked: do you want me to speech or preach. It has been a turning point of the whole evening. I took this sentence and processed it. So all we can hear in the next piece has been made out of this sentence. The piece has been broadcasted by bayern2 artmix galery.


Basic info:

Marcus Beuter was born in 1968 in Wuppertal, Germany.

Grown up in a small town nearby, he went to Hamburg after finishing school. Civil Service, vocational, social profession followed.

After a few years he retreated into nature. Place of living and work is nowadays a wooden hut in a forest.
Journeys through Europe, Iran, Pakistan, Laos, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Gambia, Senegal, USA, Georgia, Armenia.

Working hereby on an own archive of field recordings.
Since 2001 intensified interest in soundart. In 2003 co-founder of the record label fragmentrecordings with following cd releases.

Marcus Beuter is an autodidactive sound artist, composer of electro-acoustic music and improviser.
Since 2005 sound installations, sometimes in cooperation with sculptors and visual artists. Since 2008 live-performance of improvised electronic music based on his field recordings.

Member of Cooperativa Neue Musik, DEGEM, Trio TATUNTAT, Trio Beuter, Höger, Schwieger also as the Ensemble Theatrum Somnium Medusae. Works with filmmakers and directors.

Marcus Beuter-> klangkunst - http://www.marcusbeuter.de/

at http://soundcloud.com/search?q[fulltext]=marcus+beuter

Cirkulacija 2 -> http://www.cirkulacija2.org

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