Yellowcake. Extensive Slaughter, Iron Warning, Mašinko, Harries'89, Harry, Smedja in smetke, Propad
 / 24. 10. 2023
Verdict, Dårligt Selskab, Nøche, Long Knife, Jack-Knife, Cattivo sangue, Paks 3, Unit 731, Pasi.
 / 4. 10. 2022
Pizda materna, Smrt razuma, Bible Thrower, Sukob, Protest mozga, Kriva istina, Immobile, Pestartz, Dysmorfic
 / 3. 8. 2021
Hrvaška zasedba pred koncertom na festivalu Jazz Cerkno
 / 8. 5. 2018
Pazahora, Enslave, III kategorija, Čao pičke, Debeli precjednik, Tožibabe, Left To Starve, Irrsinn,
 / 30. 9. 2014
Pankrti, Distress, Odpadki civilizacije, Deer In The Headlights, Extreme Noise Terror, Anopheli, Urbanoia
 / 12. 8. 2014
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