Dvojna doza udarnega rocka s politično nekorektnim jezikom Andyja Falkousa
 / 15. 10. 2016
Reptile Tile, iknowimanalien, Baffy, Future Of The Left, Uho za Oko, Psalm Zero, Pink Panker, Mile Me Deaf
 / 6. 8. 2016
Glasna in samozavestna trojica s svojim petim albumom
 / 1. 5. 2016
Brass Bed, John Frusciante, Jeff Buckley, The Ghen, Logan Hone's Similar Fashion, Future of the Left
 / 23. 4. 2016
Cobalt, Rok Zalokar Trio, Tresk 2016, Chris Abrahams, Mogwai, Future of the Left; Toby Driver v Menzi (live!)
 / 10. 2. 2016
V tokratni Tolpi bumov poslušamo in razmišljamo o novem albumu zasedbe Future of the Left
 / 8. 8. 2012
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