Brane Koncilja, Tresk, Grupa 92, kaluza8 x zero6teen, Blackoutt, Leechfeast, Mahakaruna Quartet
 / 20. 2. 2018
Pank legende s Kodeljevega
 / 30. 6. 2017
Punkovska sobotna poslastica - vrnitev novovalovski legend
 / 19. 2. 2017
Dissaprove, Rencor, Falsa Bandera, Gli stronzi, Raventhorn, Anti Future, Frack, Sentence, S.O.R., Grupa 92
 / 14. 2. 2017
Skova, Lynch, Velkro, Aikula, 92, Warrego Valles
 / 14. 2. 2017
Subterror, Distanásia, Fear Of Extinction, Warcry, Grupa 92, The Vibrators, Parkway Drive, Ajax, Nailed In...
 / 2. 6. 2015
Problem večletnih razpisov, Reizdaje novega vala založbe Ne! records
 / 11. 3. 2014
Armagedom, Versklaven, Warvictims, Dropend, Ossacrux, Bolesno grinje, Vesna narodov, 92, Agasia
 / 14. 1. 2014
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