Prvi dan praznovanja z Dihurčki, nč ogrevanja, ajmo laufat
 / 26. 1. 2023
Recenziramo torkov koncertni večer v Klubu Gromka na Metelkovi
 / 1. 6. 2019
Glasniki goriškega nelagodja
 / 26. 12. 2018
Marko Rusjan iz Iamdisease, YanDusk + koncerti
 / 20. 12. 2018
EyeHateGod in Iamdisease
 / 11. 5. 2018
Antidigos, Limp Blitzkrieg, Entry, Moribund Scum, Disease, Berserk, Röadscüm, BKD, Ecowar, Iamdisease
 / 22. 11. 2016
V klubu Gromka, AKC Metelkova, 13. februarja 2016
 / 15. 2. 2016
Motron, Chorea Huntington, The Ødeleggers, Animalesco, o método, Deszcz, Trifor60, Final Approach, Iamdisease
 / 24. 2. 2015
Man in the Shadow, Paranoid, Corrupt Leaders, Fvck Mountain, Spiteful Urinator, Anthrax, Burnt Cross...
 / 3. 2. 2015
Anatomi-71, Atomski rat, Facção Opposta, Life Possession, Iamdisease, Minoranza di uno, Pogromo, Alldways
 / 27. 1. 2015
Primorska paljevina
 / 20. 12. 2014
... in Kendrick Lamar ma nov komad!
 / 17. 12. 2014
Alement, Disbrigade, Aurea, Class, Unrest, Sham 69, Iamdisease, Pasmaters, Sentence, Fakofbolan
 / 16. 12. 2014
Lolita, Thunderbabies, Iamdisease
 / 16. 12. 2014
Iamdisease, Napalm Death, kompilacija Touched Two, The Soft Moon, Brut iz Zagreba ...
 / 3. 12. 2014
Suffer The Pain, La Armada, Random Blackouts, Call The Cops, Rudimentary Peni, AK-47, Iamdisease
 / 17. 6. 2014
Deviated Instinct, Anti-Everything, Zinc, Iamdisease, Pokret otpora, Trifor60, Affluente
 / 25. 12. 2012
Odličen prvenec izrazno močnih goriško-ajdovskih punk-doom-metal hardcorovcev...
 / 25. 12. 2012
Simbiose, Public Disgrace, Bamovi, Preying Hands, Zyanide, Us Against The World, Iamdisease...
 / 6. 11. 2012
Doom, Rattus, Tropiezo, Iskra, Vivisick, Iamdisease, Public Refuse, Through Sunken Eyes
 / 23. 10. 2012
Barley modern
Prepariran modernizem v vintage preobleki
 / 23. 10. 2012
Recenzija koncerta zasedbe Light Bearer in domačih predvozačev Iamdisease
 / 30. 5. 2012
Tragedy Darker Days Ahead
Novi album Tragedy! + vrsta novih bandov Crutches, Displode, Kranio in Conto do Vigário.
 / 22. 5. 2012
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